Tuesday, 24 March 2015

zimbos face deportation threats

Zimbabweans in south africa are again facing deportation threaths following the zulu king's announcement that foreigners in the country are grabbing the little economic oppotunities available for the local people. Is our financially crippled zimbabwean government ready to see escalating levels of unemployment if it comes to pass that the SA government approves of the move?

A number of foreigners, including Zimbabweans, have died in SA following xenophobia attacks as local South Africans feel intimidated by foreigners who give away cheap labor to employers due to desperation. The Zimbabwean government has failed to provide jobs for the unemployed youths so far in the country and citizens what becomes of it if those in SA are deported back to the motherland.

Image result for Pictures of Zulu king

Monday, 16 March 2015

three incidents that Mugabe shouldconsider

Newsday opinion page has suggested that there are three things that Mugabe should consider in setting the tone of Zimbabwean politics. According to Newsday, analysis by the Council of Foreign Relations(CFR)'s Center for PreventiveAction says that the risk factors associated with political instability in Zimbabwe are growing fast, as doubts remain over how long the tight discipline will last.

 “Mugabe may serve out his term and successfully hand over power to an anointed successor, but events may unfold in a less orderly fashion,” the CFR analysis, authored by former US ambassador to Namibia George Ward, says.
Three scenarios that could trigger acute instability are presented: that Mugabe dies or becomes incapacitated before installing a chosen successor, that his control is challenged and undermined by growing party factionalism, or an economic crisis triggers demands for political change.

While Mugabe has sought to maintain an active schedule and is current political head of the African Union and the regional Southern African Development Community (Sadc) as he targets another run in 2018, he has however traveled abroad for treatment several times, and has recently been more dependent on his wife for physical support.

Thursday, 12 March 2015


A Zimbabwean journalist, allegedly linked to anti Mugabe regime, was yesterday abducted by a crew of about five unknown assailants in Glen View 7, Harare. Itai Dzamara is said to have been swept away when he was coming out from a barbershop.

Dzamara's abduction comes only a stone-throw away from Tsvangirai's intension to stir a demonstration against Zanu-PF, who he accuses of mismanagement of funds which consequently led to the fall of the country.

unconfirmed rumors however allege the act to have been committed not by anyone else besides the security FORCES

Monday, 9 March 2015

axed zanu-pf  members Rugare Gumbo and Didymus Mutasa have filed their appeal to the consitutional court. according to the chronicle, the duo together with other axed ministers, appeal against their dismissal from the party and the parliament of zimbabwe following allegations of being aalies to former vice president Joice Mujuru. are  we likely tosee any change of political will in Zanu-Pf post the considerations of the constitutional court?